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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

2DFlexotronics Two-dimensional flexible and transparent optoelectronics for photovoltaic applications

Dr. Andrés Castellanos

2DFlexotronics Two-dimensional flexible and transparent optoelectronics for photovoltaic applications
    Funding : Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Programa Retos de la Sociedad 2013-2016. MAT2014-58399-JIN
    Duration: 2015 - 2017
    36 months

The goal of this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of two-dimensional semiconductor materials for flexible optoelectronic applications where conventional semiconductors cannot be applied. The strong light-mater interaction of these materials will be exploited to fabricate devices that are not only flexible but also quasi-transparent without diminishing their efficiency. Amongst the fabricated optoelectronic devices, special attention will be given to socially and industrially relevant functionalities such as photodetectors (imaging systems) and solar cells (energy harvesting). This project constitutes the first steps towards the fabrication of flexible and transparent solar cells and photodetectors. These kind of devices will undoubtedly find applications in smart coatings or windows to harvest solar energy in places where conventional solar cells cannot be installed because of their rigidity or opacity. Therefore, this project deals with the societal challenge of achieving secure, clean and efficient energy described in the Horizon 2020 strategy.

imagen 4

Picture of a flexible and quasi-transparent solar cell fabricated with two-dimensional semiconductors.
