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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Ana Martínez Martínez

Research: Switchable Nanomaterials
User Name: ana.martinez
Telephone: 8833
Martínez Martínez

Ana Martínez obtained her degree in Chemistry (2018) and her Master’s degree in  Applied Chemistry (2019) from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. In addition, with this Master’s degree, she especialized in molecular and materials chemistry, obtaining the extraordinary prize for the best academic record.  While she was studying her grade, she joined the group SEPCO in the organic chemistry CSIC where she worked in organic-inorganic hybrids with aplication in catalysis. She did her end-of-degree and her end-of-master’s degree projects in synthesis of organometallic compounds with potential antitumor activity with the group of Prof. Isabel Cuadrado, gaining experience in the field of complexes synthesis and usual characterization techniques.